Plotting ======== .. py:module:: paraatm.plotting Trajectory data that are stored in a `DataFrame` returned by :py:func:`` or :py:func:`` can be plotted directly. Plotting is handled using the `Bokeh `_ library, which renders interactive plots in HTML. .. autofunction:: paraatm.plotting.plot_trajectory The following is an example trajectory plot of the data in `sample_data/IFF_SFO_ASDEX_ABC123.csv` created using :py:func:`~paraatm.plotting.plot_trajectory`: .. For latex-PDF output, include a PNG image, since the bokeh-generated plot only shows up in the HTML output .. only:: latex .. image:: /_static/bokeh_plot.png .. bokeh-plot:: from paraatm.plotting import plot_trajectory from import read_iff_file df = read_iff_file('../paraatm/sample_data/IFF_SFO_ASDEX_ABC123.csv') plot_trajectory(df, plot_width=700, plot_height=600) .. autofunction:: paraatm.plotting.get_tile_providers